On the one hand it would be nice to have customers lined up at your door, (as long as they are the right customers) on the other hand don’t you just hate having to turn customers away? What’s the secret? There isn’t one. It’s just a matter of picking up the phone and...
You are a business owner: You make your own decisions, you are great at what you do, and you are passionate about the industry you are in. There is so much cash in the economy and there couldn’t be a better time to be an entrepreneur right now. However, it can be complicated...
The business economy is dividing like oil and water. Some businesses have never had it so good, where others are failing. I’m not going to tell you about job-keeper or how to get a COVID-safe plan, there’s plenty of info on the net. What I will share with you are the thi...
Do I trust you enough to buy from you? What is it about human nature that we tend to believe what someone else says about a product you are buying, but we don’t have the same trust about the person standing trying to serve you. On the flip side, as a salesperson, how frus...
What a difference a couple of months make From November through to January we witnessed devastating fires. The regional small business sector has already taken a big hit (the extent of which is still yet to be seen) and yet we still must prepare ourselves for the economic fallo...
It’s been a while since you have received an email from me and during the time-out I have collected a whole new suite of material to share with you. This new information is not your standard “do this, that and the next thing” content, but tips, tricks and techniques we us...
2019 it’s been great (not), but it’s now February 2020 and I’m moving on. Recently the fires have played havoc. We have seen lives lost, homes razed, livestock and wildlife decimated, and businesses suffer. Exhausted, dirty, smoky, hot, hungry. Some of us we have spen...
Retaining your existing customer base is a far better option than putting in the work to generate a new one. Many regional companies allocate large sums of their budget towards advertising and marketing to lure in new customers but fail to spend much thought, time or funds on t...
Last weekend I spent a fantastic time with my son on a Father/Son trip organised through his school… Much of the trip was good old fashioned boy fun, the dad’s told a few stories of what life was like when we were 15 years old – discipline, sports, no internet, and the...
Your body is made up of a unique set of 2 x DNA strands called a double helix. Just as your body has 2 strands of DNA, your business has its own unique set of attributes. Every business is different and every business owner is different. The 2 strands in your business is ...
You can’t hit a target you can’t see. In Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, a timeless classic there was a point where Alice came to a fork in the road. She looked up and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree… “Which road do I take?” she asked. “Where d...